A better future

Proton therapy is an advanced form of radiation treatment that can precisely target tumors without the unwanted side effects. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Mount Sinai Health System, and Montefiore Health System joined forces in a rare consortium to create the first proton center in New York City. Leadership knew this modern new facility in the heart of New York needed a brand that would support its mission to provide patients a future after cancer.

Gold standard

Behavioral key
Our B2Me research uncovered a crucial truth about patients: they were far less interested in the technical complexities of proton therapy and far more focused on the impact it would have on their lives. This led us to develop a brand message that celebrated life advancement, emphasizing the ability of patients to live their lives without pause, even during treatment.

Life Advances.

I’ll never forget when the video played at our launch event. There wasn’t a dry eye. And people truly understood how proton therapy changes lives.
– CEO, New York Proton Center

fastest growing proton center in the world
full patient capacity per year since launch
increase in leads